You’re not going to believe this, because I hardly believe it myself, but Transmit 3 was released on February 16, 2005. More than five years ago. And it has been an absolute workhorse for thousands upon thousands of people around the world ever since.
We previewed Transmit 3 to attendees of Macworld Expo in January of that year. I specifically remember one visitor saying, “I couldn’t imagine how you could have improved on Transmit 2, but you did!”
There’s always one more rough edge to sand off the workflow. There’s always one more little dull spot that can be polished to a shine. We’re perpetually unsatisfied perfectionists. We may go quiet for a while, but we’re never, you know, done around here.
So, in that spirit, we’re proud to announce Transmit 4, the latest and greatest version of the #1 file transfer utility for the Mac.
By the numbers, we’ve got one near-total rewrite, one brand new interface, over 45 new features, up to 25 times the speed, and one particularly awesome new feature. All of the details are over on the website.
Transmit 4 is $34 for new users, $19 for Transmit 3 owners, and free for people who bought Transmit 3 on or after March 1st, 2010. You can buy it instantly right here. The download is also the demo, so if you’re not already a Transmit user, try it all for 7 days for free.
Over the coming weeks we hope to blog a lot of tips, tricks, and did-you-knows. Stay tuned.
Most importantly, thanks for all of your support, ideas, and suggestions — we tried to get as many as we could in there. Thanks for your interest in our software. Thanks to our beta testers, who helped us find and fix hundreds of bugs, making Transmit 4.0 likely our most solid out-of-the-gate release ever.
And thanks especially to that group of code-slinging maniacs I work with for putting their all into everything we do, every time. You are crazy and I’m so proud of all of you.
The rest of you: please, enjoy!